Thank you to br. Robert Sobocan, br. Mark Sobocan, br. Trevor Thomas, br. Willis Thomas, br. Mike La Butte, br. Robert Mac Isaac, br. John Bellis, br. David Lee and br. Tom Farrer. These Brother Knights did the painting of parking lot at the church last week. Nov 27,2024
John Bellis sanding wood for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need. July 14,2024
Past Grand Knight Trevor Thomas, handing out two cheques to Immaculate Conception‘s principle one for $1500 for nutrition program and one for $500 to sponsor a family this Christmas. Nov 14,2023
Bishop John T Kidd council 4924 Knights of Columbus handing out coats to Immaculate Conception and Corpus Christi schools with Grand Knight Raymond Beaupre and past Grand Knight Trevor Thomas. Thanks to Mountain Warehouse in Windsor for their help. Nov 10,2023
Bishop John T Kidd council 4924 Knights of Columbus handing out coats to Corpus Christi schools with Grand Knight Raymond Beaupre and past Grand Knight Trevor Thomas. Thanks to Mountain Warehouse in Windsor for their help. Nov 10,2023
Bishop John T Kidd council 4924 Knights of Columbus handing out coats to Immaculate Conception with Grand Knight Raymond Beaupre. Thanks to Mountain Warehouse in Windsor for their help. Nov 10,2023
GK Raymond Beaupre receives an Ontario State award from Al Simms Membership Information Officer. June 7, 2023.
A cheque for $1500 was presented to Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School. PGK Tom Farrer, Amelia, PGK Trevor Thomas and Dave Mailloux December 15,2022.
The undergarments collected at Our Lady of Guadalupe church were brought to the Downtown Mission. PGK Tom Farrer, Brittany Lavin, Dave Mailloux and PGK Trevor Thomas Dec 15,2022.
A cheque for $1500 was presented to the Goodfellows. Brian Beaumont, Tom Ray, Bob Ducharme, Jennifer Wells, Trevor Thomas December 13, 2022.
Our Coats for Kids program handed out coats and gloves to various schools this week. December 2, 2022
Our Council presented a cheque for $1000 to Our Lady Of Guadalupe Home. After hearing about all their good work, the Building Committe donated a additional $4000. Brother Jerome Tschirthart, Marina and GK Raymond Beaupre Nov 2, 2022.
Installation of Officers at Our Lady of Guadalupe church for 2022 - 2023. Front row District Deputy Jesmond Tabone, Warden James Faubert, Grand Knight Raymond Beaupre, Chaplain Deacon Gary Coyle,Chancellor Thomas Farrer, Lecturer Ed Charbonneau, Recorder Valentine Hompoth. Back row Treasurer John Pawlowski, Trustee Michael La Butte, Guards Trevor Thomas & John McFadden, Trustee David Mailloux, Past District Deputy William Demers July 9,2022
Knights of Columbus John T. Kidd council 4924 handing out Coats for Kids to Mr. Drago of St. Rose school. Special thanks to Mountain Warehouse for all of their help. Above are Brothers Wilf Rivait, Jim Faubert, Dave Mailloux, school principal, Ray Beaupre, Patrick Chenard helping with this great cause. Oct 27,2021
Knights of Columbus John T. Kidd council 4924 handing out Coats for Kids. To Mr. Drago St. Rose school. To Mr. Petro Corpus Christi Middle School. I want to thank Matthew Mazzalonga and Chantilly Hunsberger from Mountain Warehouse for all of their help. Special thanks to my Brothers Jim Faubert and Trevor Thomas for helping with this great cause. Nov 1,2020
Jim Faubert presents a $1500 cheque to the Corpus Christi Middle School Nutrition program Oct 13, 2020
Jim Faubert presents a $1500 cheque to the St Rose Elementary School Nutrition program Oct 13, 2020
The Undergarment Drive at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish was presented to Laurie Musson of the Downtown Mission for their Sanctuary Program. Nov 11, 2019.
16th Annual Bishop's Dinner Windsor - Essex held at the Ciociaro Club on Thurs Oct 24, 2019.
A cheque for $85,000 was presented to the OLOG Building Fund Saturday June 22, 2019
The LaSalle Special Olympics group had their athlete Jenny present an Appreciation award to GK Trevor Thomas and Bro John Pawlowski. Last year we held Fund raiser to help this local group and the Car Raffle helped Special Olympics Ontario. Jan 2,2019
At the December General meeting our council presented a cheque for $10,000 to the Riverside Baseball Club for the Farrow Riverside Miracle park. Dec 5, 2018
Coats for Kids program had Br Jim Faubert distribute new coats to kid in need at St Rose Elementary & Corpus Christi Middle Schools. The remainder of coats where brought to the Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society. Thanks to Peter Conway, Dave Mailloux, Trevor Thomas, Raymond Beaupre and John Pawlowski. A special thanks to Tina Gatt for her hospitality. Nov17, 2018
K of C Bishop John T. Kidd council 4924 Coats for Kids. Special thanks to John McFadden, Raymond Beaupre, David Mailloux, John Pawlowski, Trevor Thomas and Peter Conway. Dedication to Faith and Community. Nov 10,2018
Members of a number of Knights of Columbus Councils get together to raise money for Hospice of Windsor. Great job on raising $12,161.65 last night. Oct 27,2018
On Saturday morning , Brothers Pete Conway, Dave Mailloux, Jerry Tschirthart, John Pawlowski, Trevor Thomas & Terrence Thomas spent the morning/afternoon prepping and serving lunch at the Downtown Mission - Soup kitchen. March 3, 2018
On Thursday July 13th Brothers Dave Mailloux and Jesmond Tabone delivered over 200 pairs of mens and ladies underwear to the Windsor Downtown Mission. Thank you to all the members of Our Lady Of Guadalupe Parish for supporting our 1st annual underwear drive. Ron Dunn executive director was very thankful for the donation. July 13, 2017
John Pawlowski receives his Honorary Membership card from GK Trevor Thomas at the April General meeting.